Monday, January 2, 2012

High River Will Be 50% Larger In 2012

The provincial government has approved the application to annex 1769 acres of land, located on the north end of High River, which will substantially increase the town's footprint. The annexation will take effect January 1st, 2012.
“With the addition of this land, High River will have effectively increased its geographic area by 50 percent,” explained Ian Fawcett, senior policy planner for the town. “This is an incredibly important annexation because it will provide the space needed to meet expected growth over the next 30 years.”
Once the official transfer of land from the MD into the town limits takes effect, homeowners in this area will become town residents. Information will be provided to anyone affected by the new town boundaries and staff will be available to answer any questions.
Town administration is already engaged in a public consultation process to create a Growth Management Strategy for the annexed lands.
“By consulting with the public and all stakeholders, we can work together to create a vision for how this area will be developed,” said Rob Milne, director of development services. “Having a clear plan for growth will provide the framework for expanding our community in an attractive, sustainable way that will benefit current and future High River residents.”
As well as planned public open houses, residents can also participate in the conversation by liking the Facebook page called: High River, Our Community, Our Future and by also completing the online survey available on the Town website at and following the links: Public Forums/Growth Management Strategy.

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