Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Support A Grad – Fun-Raising

A handful of hardworking grads from Oilfields are pooling their resources to help pay for their portion of a memorable celebration in June. Each grad student has a goal to meet before then so these few students decided to form a small group effort and, along with their families, have come up with some creative fundraisers. This is where your help comes into play.
There are hand-warmers available now that make great stocking stuffers at only $2/pair and don’t forget an extra pair for yourself - they are great to keep in the car. In order to get your hands on these you can call Tim at 403-975-5474 and he will make arrangements to get them to you.
You can pick up some pretty hair clips for those young ladies on your Christmas list. You can find them at Bohemia in Black Diamond and while you are in there, they also have the handmade Christmas cards at $2.50 each; those are great for tucking a gift card inside! Tim’s wife, Mari is the creative lady who has made both the hair adornments and the cards (as you may have guessed Tim and Mari have a daughter graduating).
Watch for the Valentine Cards in February for that special sweetheart!
Check out the online auction,, as items come and go. These young people would love to add anything you wish to contribute to this site. If you have something to contribute, give Tim a call. If you see something on the site you would like – go ahead and bid; it's fun!
There you go – there are lots of fun ways to help some of our local grads and you don’t have to fight the crowds at an impersonal mall. Once again, if you want more information on any of the fundraisers or if you can help give Tim a call 403-975-5474.

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